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Support Charitable Humans: Donate Today

Help us empower, educate, and inform global citizens. Your support is vital to the success of our interconnected projects—Charitable Humans, Educated Humans, and Informed Humans. As a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, all donations to Charitable Humans are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Here’s how your contribution can make a difference:

Empower Through Charitable Humans

Your donation helps us maintain and enhance Charitable Humans, a social networking platform dedicated to fostering systemic social change. We prioritize privacy and meaningful connections over profit, creating a safe space for activists, educators, and global citizens to collaborate and advocate for progressive causes.

Educate With Educated Humans

By supporting Educated Humans, you are investing in the dissemination of knowledge. Your contributions fund the development and expansion of free educational courses on vital topics such as social justice, leadership, and personal development, enabling learners worldwide to gain the skills needed to effectuate change.

Inform Through Informed Humans

Funding for Informed Humans supports our mission to counter biased mainstream narratives through independent journalism. Your donations help us provide a platform for journalists and citizen journalists to share their investigative stories, thereby enhancing public understanding of complex issues and promoting media literacy.

Why Donate?

  • Maximize Impact: Your support directly contributes to the operation and expansion of these projects, maximizing their impact on communities worldwide.
  • Tax Benefits: As a 501(c)(3) organization, your donation is tax-deductible, making both a financial and philanthropic impact.
  • Transparency and Integrity: We ensure that every dollar donated is used effectively to advance our mission of education, empowerment, and information dissemination.

How to Donate

Donating to Charitable Humans is easy and secure. Choose your preferred method:

  • Online: Visit our website and use our secure donation form to make a one-time or recurring contribution.
  • By Mail: Send a check to Charitable Humans at P.O. Box 13431, Mill Creek, WA 98082.
  • Employer Match: Double the impact of your donation through employer matching programs. Check if your employer offers this benefit and how you can participate.
  • Gifts of Stock or Legacy Giving: Consider making a significant impact through stocks, securities, or a bequest in your will.

Every donation, no matter the size, contributes to building a world where every human has the tools and platform to bring about positive change. Join us in our mission to create a more just, informed, and equitable global society. Your support makes all the difference.

Donate Now

Together, we can continue to empower, educate, and inform. Thank you for your generosity and belief in our mission.